Contact Us

Please use the form to request a demonstration of our newsletter service. If you have any other questions about Epona Mail or Epona Mailbox, please open a ticket using the button. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours, but often less.

If you have questions about your account, please either view your account by using the link above, or by submitting a ticket using the link or button on this page. Thank you.

Request a demonstration of Epona Mail


    Contact Our World Class Support Team 24/7

    Have a question? Want to request a demonstration? Reach out to our support team. While we work during normal business hours (Central Time Zone), we will get back to you just as soon as possible.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I see how your system works?

    Sure. Please use the form above to contact us and request a demonstration. We’ll provide a video demo with an option for a live demo.

    Do you offer refunds?

    We do not offer refunds. We provide demos and our support is top-notch.

    My mailing list is large. Can you handle it?

    We can handle it. The system is designed to send emails through Amazon’s Simple Email Service for best deliverability. Newsletter list sizes aren’t an issue. That’s why we don’t charge per subscriber, but rather by how many emails you send.

    Can I resend to those who didn't open the emails?

    Yes, you can target non-openers.

    Do you harvest my subscribers or use their emails?

    NO! We adhere to strict privacy policy and don’t even look at your lists (unless necessary for technical support). We will not harvest your subscribers. You worked hard for your newsletter list. We wouldn’t treat you like that.

    Can I use my Epona Mailbox for things other than my newsletter?

    The terms of service indicate that the Epona Mailbox can only be used for your newsletter. However, if you need to use a postal mailing address for other purposes, you can use this address with the knowledge that any received mail will count against your 5 pieces scanned for free per month. Items that are multiple pages and require scanning may incur an extra charge.

    Do you integrate with BookFunnel or StoryOrigin?

    YES! We utilize Sendy (think Sendy for Authors) so any system that integrates with Sendy will also integrate with Epona Mail.

    To integrate please open a ticket. Let us know if you would like us to integrate for you or if you’d like us to do a remote support session and guide you through the process.

    How do I get help?

    In addition to our extensive knowledge base, which includes videos including text instructions, you can reach out to our staff at any time. Help is available by opening a ticket on this page or by utilizing the live chat bubble in the lower right-hand corner when online.

    Can I segment my lists?

    Yes, you can segment your lists.

    Do I have an archive link for services like StoryOrigin?

    YES, you have an archive link for each email.

    What if I need to upgrade/downgrade my plan?

    Just open a ticket and let us know!

    What if I have a question that's not listed?

    Check out our Knowledge Base or open a ticket/contact us. Thanks!

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